[Math] Calculating the order of an element in the group $U_{27}$


Recently I asked how to calculate the order of an element in $U_{27}=\mathbb{Z}_{27}^*$ (Multiplicative group of integers modulo $27$) (link). Problem is I still don't understand the material but I would like to explain what I know and what I don't. Tried to find some similar thread on the same topic and I found the following tread (link). Although it does not answer my question directly, it points into that direction. I know the hard way to find the order of an element in $U_{27}$. For example in order to find the order of $5$ in $U_{27}$ I would do:
5&=5\bmod 27=5\\
5^2&=25\bmod 27=25\\
5^3&=125\bmod 27=17

And so on, until I find $n\in\mathbb{N}$ so $5^n=1$. It could take awhile, in fact I know that the order of $5$ in $U_{27}$ is $18$ ($5^{18}=3814697265625(mod27)=1$), so I will have to calculate $18$ times and facing some big numbers. I think that there is a fast way using the euler function. How can I use it in my advantage? is there a formula?

Best Answer

First of all note that,

  • if $G$ is group and $a\in G$ then $o(a)=o(a^{-1})$.

  • if $G$ is group and $a\in G$ be an element of order $m$ then $o(a^k)=\frac{m}{gcd(m,k)}$ where $k\in \mathbb{N}$

    By using these two results you can avoid half of calculation needed to compute order of elements.

Now let's start,

$o(1)= 1$ since $1$ is identity in $U_{27}$.

$o(2)= 18$ since $2^{18}≡1\mod 27$ and $2^m ≢ 1\mod 27$ for $m<18 \in \mathbb{N}$. Now using our above results:


$o(8)=o(2^3)= \frac{o(2)}{gcd(o(2),3)}=\frac{18}{gcd(18,3)}=\frac{18}{3}=6$

Similarly you can compute easily, $o(16)=o(2^4)$, $o(5)=o(2^5)$, $o(10)=o(2^6)$, $o(20)=o(2^7)$, $o(13)=o(2^8)$ etc. in fact order of all elements in $U_{27}$ can be computed just by using above second result.(because as $2$ is generator in $U_{27}$ and hence it will generate all elements)

To see how first result work: as we know $[2•14]_{27}=[14•2]_{27}=[1]_{27}$ so $2$ and $14$ are inverses in $U_{27}$ and hence $o(14)=o(2)=18$

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