[Math] Calculating the distance from top left corner to bottom right corner on a rectangle


Say I've got a rectangle measuring $140$ cm (height) x $300$ cm (width). What is the distance from the top left corner, to the bottom right corner? And whats the formula for calculating the distance?

Also: What is the angle in degrees of the line drawn between the two corners?

Best Answer

You need the Pythagorean theorem. The distance is $\sqrt{140^2+300^2} \approx 331$ The angle from the horizontal to the diagonal (note you need two lines to define an angle) is $\frac{180}{\pi}\arctan(\frac{140}{300})$ assuming your source of arctangents gives radians. If not, delete the $\frac{180}{\pi}$ multiplier (that is just the radian to degree conversion)

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