[Math] Calculating the Average degree in a Directed graph

graph theory

I'm quite confused at the moment, as I think my analytics tool is doing something weird. Assume that I have a directed graph that has 281903 vertices and 1992636 edges. What is the average degree?

The tool gave me back: 14.137. But I think this is wrong since this is for an undirected graph.

Shouldn't it be 7.06? (Since you simply divide the amount of edges by the vertices?) Sorry for this newbish question.. I surprisingly couldn't find an easy explanation online…

Best Answer

The answer of this guy is incorrect. For a directed graph, each edge accounts to 1 degree, and not two (as the edges grant a degree just to one vertex, and not two vertices). Therefore, for a directed graph, the average degree is simply the number of edges divided by the number vertices.

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