[Math] Calculating height of an object


I do not know if this is the place for this question but I am sure I will be told sooner rather than later. Basically I want to know the following.

Is there a way to calculate the height of an object from a certain position.


A Camera which has taken a picture. The camera was 3 meters off the ground, there is an object 10 meters into the distance. Is it possible to estimate the height of the object.

please see image before to help explain this issue.


Best Answer

You can calculate the height of an object using the distance and angle.

distance * cos(angle), where distance is the horizontal distance to the object, and angle is the angle above horizontal of the top of the object (from the viewer). The result will be the height above the viewer.

With a camera, you need more information because you don't necessarily have the angle.

You can estimate the angle by taking a similar photo at the same zoom with known angles, and compare the distance on the two photos between horizontal (or vertical) and the angles. It will be more accurate if you have horizontal (or vertical) in the same place on the two photos.

You might also be able to determine the angle in the photo by the alignment of two objects of different distances from the camera.

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