[Math] calculating center of mass of the semicircle which the density at any point is proportional the distance from the center


Assuming the radius is r, and the origin is put on the center of the semicircle.
Using polar coordinates. first, because symmetry, the $\bar{x}$ is 0, now trying to find $\bar{y}$:

the mass of the semicircle is
the y cordinates of the center of mass is
$$\mathrm{\bar{y}=\frac{1}{m}\iint_Dy\rho(x,y)\,dA=\frac{3}{k\pi a^3}\int_0^\pi\int_0^a\,r\sin(\theta)rdrd\theta=\frac{3a}{2\pi}}$$
However, when computing the center of mass, I was trying to find $\bar{r}$ and $\bar{\theta}$ instead of $\bar{y}$.
$$ \mathrm{\bar{\theta}=\frac{1}{m}\int_0^\pi\int_0^a\theta(kr)rdrd\theta=\frac{\pi}{2} }$$
which is good. however, $\bar{r}$ went wrong.
I have spent a lot of time on this , but fail to figure what went wrong. I believe the calculation is correct, at least I hope so. Any imputs would be appreciated.

Best Answer

You don't need to use Polar Coordinates.

With the same set-up as you have described, consider semi-circular elements of radius $x$ and thickness $\delta x$

Then the area element is $\delta A=\pi x\delta x$

Now if the density per unit area is $\rho =kx$, then the mass element is $$\delta m=\pi kx^2\delta x$$

Integrating gives the mass of the lamina, as you have found, is $$m=\frac 13 \pi kr^3$$

Now using the formula for the centroid of an arc, the distance of the centroid of the semicircular element from the origin is $$\frac {x\sin \left(\frac {\pi}{2}\right)}{\frac {\pi}{2}}=\frac {2x}{\pi}$$

Now applying Varignon's Principle, $$\frac 13 \pi kr^3\bar x=\int_0^r\frac{2x}{\pi}\pi kx^2dx=\frac{kr^4}{2}$$

Hence the result $$\bar x=\frac{3r}{2\pi}$$