[Math] calculate x,y positions in circle every n degrees


I am having trouble trying to work out how to calculate the $(x,y)$ point around a circle for a given distance from the circles center.

Variables I do have are:

constant distance/radius from center ($r$)
the angle from $y$ origin

I basically need a point ($x$ and $y$) around a circle every $18$ degrees.

Excuse me if this is a very basic question but math is not my strong point :/


Best Answer

x = radius *  cos(angle)
y = radius *  sin(angle)

Inverse Y-axis:

x = radius *  sin(angle)
y = radius * -cos(angle)

If radians is used then

radian = angle * 0.0174532925


x = radius *  cos(radian)
y = radius *  sin(radian)

Radian is the standard unit of angular measure, any time you see angles, always assume they are using radians unless told otherwise.

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