[Math] Calculate vertical height of cone if its volume is to be a maximum.


The question is:

A cone is to have a slant height of 22 cm. Find the vertical height h if its volume is to be a maximum.

Volume(cone) = ⅓πr²h

Can anyone help me? I have a little bit of idea as to how to approach this but my execution fails.


Best Answer

By pythagorus theorem,

$ V=π[(22)^2-h^2]h$

(for extreme points)
$\frac{dV}{dh}= π(22)^2-3h^2π=0$


$$\frac{d^2 V}{dx^2}=-6πh$$

$$\frac{d^2 V}{dx^2}<0$$


Volume is maximum at $$h=\frac{22}{√3}$$