[Math] Calculate uncertainty of sine function result


I have an angle given in degrees:

$$\theta_{\min} = 63^{\circ} \pm 0.5^{\circ}$$

I need to calculate it's sine and still know the uncertainty of the value:

$$n = 2\sin(\theta_{\min}) = 1.7820130483767356 \pm ???$$

How do I calculate the value represented by ????

Edit: I cheated and had a look in my friends work. This is how he did it:

$$u_C=\sqrt{\left(\dfrac{\partial n}{\partial \theta_\min}u_C(\theta_\min)\right)^2}=\sqrt{\left(2\cos63^\circ\cdot\dfrac{0.5^\circ}{\sqrt{12}}\right)^2}=\sqrt{(0.908\cdot0.144)^2}=0.131$$

But I don't seem to understand that, though I encountered similar thing before.

Best Answer

Let's write your stuff in a cleaner way: $$n_\text{avg} = 2\sin(63°) = 1.7820130483767356$$ $$n = n_\text{avg} \pm^{u}_l \ .$$


$$u = 2\sin(63.5°) - 2\sin(63°)$$ $$l = 2\sin(63°) - 2\sin(62.5°)$$

The way your friend does it is via first order Taylor approximation:

$$\Delta n \approx \left.\frac{dn}{d\theta}\right|_{\theta=\theta_\text{min}} \cdot \Delta\theta$$

Your buddy uses the absolute value in a sloppy notation. Evaluate the derivative, use $|\Delta\theta| = 0.5°$ and take absolute values to your convenience. I have no idea where the $\sqrt{12}$ that your buddy uses is from, so you might not wanna trust his result.