[Math] Calculate the flux of $F=(3xy^2,3x^2y,z^3),$ $ S$ the sphere of radio 1.

multivariable-calculusvector analysis

Calculate the flux of $F=(3xy^2,3x^2y,z^3),$ $ S$ the sphere of radius 1.

I have done $\iint F\cdot n dS= \frac{12\pi}5$

I am not sure about of that result because when I try to solve this by using the Divergence Theorem I get another value:

$$\iint_S\vec F\cdot \vec ndS=\iiint_V\nabla\cdot \vec FdV=3\iiint_V(x^2+y^2+z^2)dV$$
Then, since S is the sphere of radius 1 $x^2+y^2+z^2=1$

Best Answer

$$\iint_S\vec F\cdot \vec ndS=\iiint_V\nabla\cdot \vec FdV=3\iiint_V(x^2+y^2+z^2)dV$$ $$=3\iiint_Vr^2dV=3\int_0^14\pi r^4dr=\frac{12}{5}\pi$$

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