[Math] Calculate the arc between two circles


Given the image below, how would you work out the position and radius of R?

Arc between two circles:

enter image description here

Best Answer

According to the given, there will be no solution. Imagine the case that if circle B is placed further apart from circle A, the new required arc length will definitely be longer than the original. Therefore, we have to know D, the distance between two centers.

enter image description here

The example you mentioned is a simple one because R, the radius of the circle-to-be-constructed, is known. In that case, we only need to draw the red arc (centered at A with radius = R + a) and similarly the green arc. Their intersection will yield the point C which is the center of the required circle. In this setting, “the triangle inequality” requires $(R + a) + [R + b] \ge D$. That is, $R \ge (D – a – b)/2$, as mentioned by @dxiv.

If R must be a calculated result, then according to the cosine rule (applied to $\triangle ABC$), one more angle must also be known. For example, if $\alpha$ is known, then

$$(R + a)^2 + D^2 – 2(R + a) D \cos \alpha – (R + b)^2 = 0$$

After simplification, we will get a quadratic equation in R. From which, R can then be found if the discriminant is non-negative.