[Math] Calculate Radius for Apparent Diameter



Animate approaching planets, as per a journey though the Solar System. At a distance of 2 Blender units, a sphere fills the entire height of the camera's view port:

This generates the following image:

Units, Measures, and Distances

The sphere is 4879.4 km in diameter, or 1 Blender unit.

The camera's final position is 9758.8 km from the planet, or 2 Blender units.

The camera's start position is 45999102.0 km from the planet, which is too many Blender units (9427.2).


Scale the planet's radius to simulate how it would appear at a given distance from the camera.


The angular diameter of the object can be calculated using:

$δ = 2 \times arctan( r / D )$


  • δ is the angular diameter;
  • r is the radius; and
  • D is the distance.

Plugging the numbers:

δ = 2 arctan( 2439.70 / 45999102 )
  = 0.0001060759 radians

Update #1

I think I can use the following:

The distance to the camera (adjacent side) is 9758.8 km.

Since $tan(δ) = opposite \over adjacent$, then $opposite = adjacent \times tan(δ)$. Thus

o = 9758.8 km tan( δ )
  = 9758.8 km tan( 0.0001060759 )
  = 1.035 km

Update #2

So at a distance of 45999102 km, the apparent size of a sphere with a 2439.70 km diameter would be 1.035 km at a distance of 9758.8 km.

Since 1 Blender unit = 4879.4 km, it follows that the sphere should have a radius of 0.000212116 Blender units, which is completely invisible.


  1. Have I gone astray?
  2. What would be the best approach to calculate the appropriate scaling factor for the sphere's radius (in Blender units)?


Using Henry's answer yields:

  • Planet radius, $r_p = 2439.7 km$
  • Planet distance, $D_p = 45999102 km$
  • Blender distance, $D_b = r_p \times 4 = 9758.8 km$
  • Apparent diameter: $2r \sqrt{ 1 – r^2 / D^2 }$
  • Apparent distance: $D − r^2 / D$
  • Scale factor: $Simulated\space apparent\space diameter \over Simulated\space apparent\space distance$ $\div$ $Blender\space apparent\space diameter \over Blender\space apparent\space distance$

Simulated apparent diameter = $2 \times 2439.7 \times \sqrt{ 1 – 2439.7^2 \over 45999102^2 }$ = $4879.40 km$

Simulated apparent distance = $45999102 – 2439.7^2 \over 45999102$ = $45999101.87 km$

Blender apparent diameter = $2 \times 2439.7 \times \sqrt{ 1 – 2439.7^2 \over 9758.8^2 }$ = $4724.46 km$

Blender apparent distance = $9758.8 – 2439.7^2 \over 9758.8$ = $3659.55 km$

$\therefore$ Scale factor = $4879.40 \over 45999101.87$ $\div$ $4724.46 \over 3659.55$ $\approx .0000821660$

Thank you!

Best Answer

I would have thought you should have δ = 2 arcsin( r / D ) which would mean that as the camera approaches the surface of the planet, $\delta$ would approach $\pi$.

I assume you know how to draw a circular disk of diameter $2r$ a distance $D$ away in your animation system. As the camera gets closer to the (centre of the) planet, the apparent disk will seem to have a diameter of 2 r cos( δ / 2 ) and be a distance away of D - r sin( δ / 2 ).

You can avoid the trigonometric functions by using an apparent diameter of $2 r \sqrt{1-r^2/D^2}$ and an apparent distance of $D - r^2/D$.

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