[Math] Calculate distance relative to radius with only arc length and arc height provided

arc lengthcirclesgeometrytrigonometry

I am struggling to find help on how I can calculate x given I only have the arc height (h) and arc length L (please see below diagram).

I understand that if I have the arc width/chord length w, then I can work out r by:

r= (h/2) * (w²/8h)

which then may aid my quest to calculate x, but I am also struggling to calculate that. Any help would be most grateful!

enter image description here

Best Answer

With respect to chord AB of the circle O, POQ is a diameter perpendicular to it (cutting it at R). Let $\angle RBQ = \alpha$.

enter image description here

It should be clear that $\angle P = \alpha$ and the red marked angles are all equal to $2 \alpha$.

First, we have to find the relation between arc AB’s length (L) and chord AB’s length (2s) when they both subtend the same central angle $\angle AOB = 4\alpha$:-

If r is the radius of that circle, then $L = 4r \alpha$, and $2s = 2(r \sin (2 \alpha))$

Eliminating r from the above, we have $s = \dfrac {L \sin (2\alpha)}{4 \alpha}$

Since $\tan \alpha = \dfrac {h}{s}$, we have $L \sin (2 \alpha) \tan \alpha – 4 h \alpha = 0$

It can be simplified slightly to $L \sin^2 \alpha – 2 h \alpha = 0$, but is still transcendental. Seek help from WolframAlpha to find $\alpha$. Once it is known, the rest is easy.