Geometry – Calculate Camera Pitch & Yaw to Face Point

computer visioncoordinate systemsgeometrytrigonometryvector-spaces

How do you calculate pitch & yaw for a camera so that it faces a certain 3D point?


  • Camera X, Y, Z
  • Point X, Y, Z

Current Half Solution

Currently I know how to calculate the pitch, and I do that using the following.





Then if $(dy>0)$ pitch gets negated. ($pitch:=-pitch$)

The Main Question

So how would I go about calculating the yaw?


This is the orientation of my axis.


Answer – Thanks to Omnomnomnom




$pitch:=-atan2(dy, \sqrt{dx*dx+dz*dz})$


Best Answer

So, we're going to describe camera direction needed to direct the camera positioned at $(0,0,0)$ at an $(x,y,z)$ point using the angles from spherical coordinates. The two angles are $\theta$ and $\phi$.

$\theta$, the azimuthal angle, normally taken from $0˚$ to $360˚$, is the angle made in the $xy$ plane between the $x$-axis and the line connecting $(0,0,0)$ to $(x,y,0)$. Simply put, this gives us our "yaw".

$\phi$, the polar angle, normally taken from $0˚$ to $180˚$, is the angle made between the $z$-axis and the line connecting $(0,0,0)$ to $(x,y,z)$. This gives us something like the pitch. That is, $\phi=90˚$ means that you're looking horizontally, whereas $\phi=0˚$ means that you're looking vertically upward.

Now, for a given point $(x,y,z)$, the calculations are as follows: $$ \theta = \arctan\left(\frac yx\right)\\ \phi = \arctan\left(\frac {\sqrt{x^2+y^2}}z\right) $$ So for example: to point your camera at the point $(1,1,1)$, you would need the angles $$ \theta = \arctan\left(\frac 11\right)=45˚\\ \phi = \arctan\left(\frac {\sqrt{2}}1\right) \approx 55˚ $$

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