Functional Analysis – c_0 is Not Compact in ?^?


Let $c_0$ be the sequences with $\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} = 0$. Show that the closed unit ball $\{x\in c_0, \|x\| \leq 1\}$ is not compact in $\ell^\infty$.

I know a lemma that says that the infinite closed unit ball are not compact in infinite-dimensional normed spaces.

This seems strange to me.
Does not all the subsequences of sequences in $c_0$ converges?

Best Answer

Let $e_n$ be $0$ except for a $1$ in the $n$th coordinate. Clearly $e_n \in c_0$. Then $\|e_n\|_\infty = 1$, but $\|e_n -e_m \|_\infty = 1$ whenever $n\neq m$. Hence $e_n$ can have no convergent subsequence, hence the set $\{ x \in c_0 | \|x\|_\infty \leq 1 \}$ cannot be compact.

And yes, all subsequences of $c_0$ must converge, since any subsequence of a convergent sequence must converge to the same limit.

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