[Math] Box A contains 10 red and 5 yellow balls while box B contains 5 red and 6 yellow balls.


Box A contains 10 red and 5 yellow balls while box B contains 5 red and 6 yellow balls. A box is chosen at random and a ball is selected from it. The probability of choosing box A is 55%. Find the probability that the ball came from box B if the ball was yellow.

I'm having a hard time with these questions as this wasn't covered in our lesson. 🙁

Best Answer

Hint: Try to use Bayes' Theorem, where $$P\left(\text{box B}|\text{Yellow}\right)=\frac{P\left(\text{box B}\right)\cdot P\left(\text{Yellow}|\text{Box B}\right)}{P\left(\text{Yellow}\right)}$$ and try to calculate the probabilities on the right hand side based on the given conditions.