[Math] Borel measure of half-open and open intervals


the Borel set is the $\sigma$-ring generated by the open sets. One possible Borel measure on the real line is defined, for a closed interval, as:


But, from my understanding, intervals of the type $[a,b)$, or $(a,b)$ are also part of the Borel set, as it is also generated by the compact sets.

How do you compute the measure of those half-open and open intervals ? Is it $b-a$ too ?



Best Answer

Let $k$ be an integer such that $k > \frac{1}{b-a}$.

$[a, b - 1/n] \subset [a, b - 1/(n+1)]$ for $n \ge k$.

$[a, b) = \bigcup_{n\ge k} [a, b - 1/n]$.

Hence $\mu([a, b)) = \lim_{n\ge k} \mu([a, b - 1/n]) = b - a$. Hence, similiarly $\mu((a, b)) = b - a$