[Math] Boolean Algebra Simplification – In sum of products form


How would you simplify this expression? I've been struggling with it for a while, but seem not to be getting anywhere near the right answer.

Y = (A' + BD + C'D)' (B'CD')

Best Answer

I HOPE YOU KNOW THE FORMULAS OF INVERSE ETC $$ Y = ( (A'+ C'D) + BD )'.(B'CD') $$ $$ \to (A CD').(B' + D' ).(B'CD') $$ $$ \to (AB'CD').(B'+D') $$ $$ \to AB'CD' $$ formulas used :

$1st line$ : $(x +y)' =x'.y'$

$ 2ndline$: $x.x =x$

$3rdline$ : open the bracket