[Math] boolean algebra minterm and maxterm expansion


I have an expression I'm not sure if i got right. The expression is
f(a,b,c) = a(b + c')

what i did was multiplied them out and added missing variables.
which gave me
abc + abc' + ac'b + ac'b'

I'm sure there is something wrong

I need to do minterm and maxterm expansion. I just don't know how.
Help 🙂

Best Answer

ab+ac' ab(c+c')+a(b+b')c' abc+abc'+abc'+ab'c' abc+abc'+ab'c'

use a truth table with 3 variables a,b,c find followings abc = 111 - 7 abc' = 110 - 6 ab'c'= 100 -4

Sum m (4, 6, 7)

therefore, maxterm M (0,1,2,3,5)