[Math] Boolean Algebra: How does $\bar A\bar BC+\bar A\bar C\bar D+A\bar CD+\bar AB\bar C$ become $\bar A\bar BC + \bar A\bar C\bar D+A\bar CD+B\bar CD$

boolean-algebradiscrete mathematicsdisjunctive-normal-formlogicpropositional-calculus

I'm trying to understand one of the steps taken during the process of getting a cnf in Boolean algebra but I just cant understand what is happening here.

$$\bar A \bar B C + \bar A \bar C \bar D + A \bar C D + \bar A B \bar C$$
$$\bar A \bar B C + \bar A \bar C \bar D + A \bar C D + B \bar C D$$

It seems like they just exchange the !A for D , but I cannot understand which of the Boolean algebra laws they used.

Could someone help me understand it ?

Best Answer

Another trick:

The Consensus Theorem says:


which can be generalized to:

Nested Consensus


Applying this to your statement:


$$\overset{Consensus: AC'D+A'BC' = AC'D+A'BC'+BC'D}{=}$$


$$\overset{Consensus: A'C'D'+BC'D = A'C'D'+BC'D+A'BC'}{=}$$
