[Math] Books Recommendation for Special Group Theory Topics


I am attending a lesson in this semester in Group Theory, in the following special topics. I know that there are similar posts, but in this post I specifically ask to recommend me a combination of well written books or notes, with plenty of worked examples in the following topics:

Group Action on Set and on Group (Permutation Representation, Orbits,
Stabilizers, The Orbit-Stabilizer Lemma), Burnside 's Lemma,
Transitive Group Action, Group Action by conjugation (normalizer,
centralizer), Semidirect product of two groups, dihedral groups,
Abelian Groups (Free Abelian Groups with finite rank, Torsion Free
Abelian Group, Periodic Abelian Group), The Splitting Theorem in
finite generated abelian groups, Sylow Theorems (the method of
counting, cycle method), Simple Groups, Small Order Groups, Solvable
Groups, Solvability of $S_n$.

PS: I asked for a book combination because I believe that one single book doesn't contain all these topics

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

If you are looking for a book which contains a lot of examples I can recommend "A first course in Abstract Algebra" by J. Fraleigh. It has too much text and examples for my taste, but it might be worth to look into. You may look into it here: http://www.vgloop.com/f-/1422977427-302599.pdf it features most of the topics listed.

Another book I have found to suit my preferences better is "Abstract Algebra, Theory and applications" by T. Judson. It presents the same topics in a more precise way than Fraleigh, although It might have less examples. http://abstract.ups.edu/download/aata-20100827.pdf

Last but not least, you should try to get your hands on "Algebra" by S. Lang. Although a bit more complicated than the previous two, but I suggest you should look into them.