[Math] Books in the spirit of Problems and Theorems in Analysis by George Pólya and Gábor Szegő


In the Preface of the first German Edition of the book Problems and Theorems in Analysis by George Pólya and Gábor Szegő, one can read [emphasis mine] :

The chief aim of this book, which we trust is not unrealistic, is to
accustom advanced students of mathematics, through systematically
arranged problems in some important fields of analysis, to the ways
and means of independent thought and research. It is intended to serve
the need for individual active study on the part of both the student
and the teacher. The book may be used by the student to extend his
own reading or lecture material, or he may work quite independently
through selected portions of the book in detail. The instructor may
use it as an aid in organizing tutorials or seminars.

This book is no mere collection of problems. Its most important feature is the
systematic arrangement of the material which aims to stimulate the
reader to independent work and to suggest to him useful lines of

The origin of the material is highly varied. We have made selections
from the classical body of knowledge of mathematics and also from
treatises of more recent date
. We collected problems which had in part
already been published in various periodicals
and in part communicated
to us verbally by their authors. We have adapted the material to our
purpose, completed, reformulated and substantially expanded it. In
addition we have published here for the first time in the form of
problems a number of our own original results.
We thus hope to be
able to offer something new even to the expert.

To put it briefly, I think that the description of the key features that distinguish this book which is given in the preface is perfectly appropriate. With respect to these aspects, I regard this book as a sort of introduction to the methods, the ideas, and the results of mathematical research.

It is actually the first book of this kind which I have ever come across, and I've really enjoyed going through it. So, the natural question that I pose is:


Are there other similar books (in analysis or also different topics)
that are in the spirit of Pólya and Szegő's work? That is, are there
other books that are actually introductions to mathematical research
in the sense which is implied by the emphasized parts of the passage
quoted above

Best Answer

Note: Your question is really a challenge, cause the book you're pointing to as reference is a first-class evergreen of highest rank.

So, I was thinking: Which books give me a similar feeling when I am going through them as the classic by Pólya and Szegő and which of them could also play in the same leaque? One other criteria was, that they should provide a reasonable thorough survey through a part of mathematics.

The first two books which came into my mind:

Enumerative Combinatorics by Richard P. Stanley

An outstanding classic to study combinatorics with an enormous wealth of examples and solutions from easy to really hard. E.g. example 6.19 of Volume $2$ provides you with $66$ different combinatorial structures related with the ubiquitous Catalan Numbers.

Applied and Computational Complex Analysis by P. Henrici

is a classic on Complex Analysis from 1977. The keyword in this 3 volume set is applied. You will by guided through lots of enlightning examples, which help you to study complex analysis and become familiar with this part of mathematics. In fact I found this book only a few years ago. I was curious that so many papers had referenced P. Henrici's book. But since I've bought it and read parts of it with great pleasure I know the reason! :-)