[Math] Books for Self learning math from the ground up


I am a CSE graduate currently working as a .NET and android developer. I feel my poor basic in mathematics is hampering my improvements as a programmer.

I want to achieve a sound understanding on the basics of mathematics so that i can pick up a book on 3D graphics programming/Algorithm and not be intimidated by all the maths(linear algebra,discrete mathematics… etc. ) used in it.

So, what path/resource/book one should follow to create a good foundation on mathematics?

Thank you

P.S. I have read this but i wanted to know other/better options.

Best Answer

Let me propose a different tack since you have a clear goal. Pick up a book on 3D graphics programming or algorithms, and if you come across something that intimidates you too much to get by on your own, ask about it here. We will be able to direct you to exact references to better understand the material in this way. Conceivably, there might be a little bit of recursion, and that's okay.

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