[Math] Book Recommendations for Writing Proofs


As an applied mathematics student coming from a small university, I have not had an adequate course in writing/formulating proofs for problems in advanced calculus/real analysis (my university has an advanced calculus course, not a real analysis course). In the fall I will take the first of a two part course in advanced calculus. I believe we will use Fitzpatrick's book, Advanced Calculus.

So, in order to prepare for the rigor and proof writing that will be necessary in this course, is there a good book or pdf that will provide solutions to problems involving proofs? I've found plenty of books with tons of problems but finding solutions to check myself (or see if there is a more clever approach) has been difficult. I hope this isn't too broad of a question, maybe some of you coming from smaller universities will understand my dilemma.

Best Answer

Analysis With An Introduction to Proof, 5th Edition by Steven R. Lay. I thought this was a great book to learn how to write mathematical proofs. Shows you completely how to write proofs and the approach to take in how to start a proof.