Education – Book Recommendations for Relearning Math from Elementary School Arithmetic


I was always branded weak at mathematics back at school though i loved it. The reason was that I lacked basics in maths. Due to this problem I stopped learning maths after my 10th grade. But I always feel that I can do better.

I want to learn maths again, from Addition to Everything. I want to start afresh from techniques of division to multiplication. Is there any comprehensive book that can teach me the basics?

Best Answer

The first thing you need to do is to figure out how much you know. You need to know which level you are at.

I recommend going to someplace like khanacademy and try some of the exercises.

Another thing I like to do is to find something that I want to learn, that at the moment is over my head. Then I figure out, what do I need to know to understand this? Then I can make a list for myself of concepts/techniques I need to learn.