[Math] Binomial Theorem for Fractional Powers

binomial theorembinomial-coefficients

We know that the binomial theorem and expansion extends to powers which are non-integers.

For integer powers the expansion can be proven easily as the expansion is finite. However what is the proof that the expansion also holds for fractional powers?

A simple an intuitive approach would be appreciated.

Best Answer

You could calculate, for example, $(1+x)^{1/2}=a_0+a_1x+a_2x^2+\cdots$ by squaring both sides and comparing coefficients. For example we can get the first three coefficients by ignoring all degree $3$ terms and higher: $$1+x=a_0^2+2a_0a_1x+2a_0a_2x^2+a_1^2x^2+\cdots$$

From here we can conclude that $a_0=\pm1$ (we'll take $+1$ to match what happens when $x=0$). Then comparing coefficients of $x$ we have $2a_1=1$, so $a_1=1/2$. Finally, comparing coefficients of $x^2$, we have $2a_0a_2+a_1^2=0$, so $2a_2+1/4=0$ and $a_2=-1/8$.

You can definitely get as many coefficients as you want this way, and I trust that you can even derive the binomial coefficient formula. However, this is not any easier than the Taylor series, where you take $(1+x)^{1/2}=a_0+a_1x+a_2x^{2}+\cdots$ and find the coefficients by saying the $n$th derivatives on both sides have to be equal at $0$.

For example, plugging in $0$ on both sides we conclude $a_0=1$. Calculating the first derivative of both sides, we have $$\frac{1}{2}(x+1)^{-1/2}=a_1+2a_2x+\cdots$$ Plugging in $0$, we get $a_1=1/2$. Taking the derivative one more time, we see $$(-1/2)(1/2)(1+x)^{-3/2}=2a_2+\cdots$$ Plugging in $x=0$, we have $(-1/2)(1/2)=2a_2$, or $a_2=-1/8$. The advantage to this way, is that it is much easier to see the pattern of coefficients!

Unfortunately, there is a big hole in both arguments. They will give you what the coefficients have to be, but they won't prove that the series expansion converges in the first place. We started off by assuming you could write $1+x$ as an infinite power series, but there is no guarentee that this exists, and actually it doesn't converge unless $|x|<1$, which we never used. So you need to estimate the error in Taylor's formula to complete the proof rigorously.

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