[Math] Binomial expansion, how to do them quickly


I'm currently preparing for a test where I'm bound to do a couple of binomial expansions. Since I never encountered them in my formal education, I looked how to do them myself and found out:

$ (x+y)^n = \displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^n \binom{n}{k} x^k y^{n-k} $

I'm using this formula for my binomial expansion, but this takes a long time, especially to calculate the binomial coefficient (we aren't allowed to use a calculator).

Consider the following (easy) example: Write down the binomial expansion of $(4+x)^4$, and hence evaluate $(4.2)^2$ to 2 decimal places.

I use the above formula to get $256 + 256x + 96x^2+16x^3 + x^4$. Fill in for $x=0.2$.

  • Here I encounter my first problems: How do you know how many terms to use when you are told to evaluate to $n$ decimal places?

  • Unrelated to the title: $(4.2)^4 = 311.1696$. When you use 4 terms you get $311.168$. Would the correct answer be $311.16…$ or $\approx 311.17$?

  • Are there other, quicker ways of doing binomial expansions, which can rid me of the problem of binomial coefficients?

Best Answer

Sorry if there is a rule against posting on questions that have not been active lately, feel free to delete if there is, but I thought this method might be helpful for someone else who doesn't want to look at Pascal's triangle or won't be given it in a test.

Here is a well-known alternative method you might find faster. Let $$\binom{n}{k}:=m_k.$$ Then $$\frac{m_{k+1}}{m_k}=\frac{k!\left(n-k\right)!}{\left(k+1\right)!\left(n-k-1\right)!}=\frac{n-k}{k+1}.$$ This means if you know one coefficient you can calculate all the rest, by multiplying the first coefficient $m_k$ by the corresponding index $n-k,$ then dividing by the number of terms you have in the sum so far, $k+1.$ So for example, if you have $$(a+b)^n=\sum\limits_{k=0}^{n}\binom{n}{k}a^{n-k}b^k,$$ then if we take $n=37,$ you know $(a+b)^{37}=a^{37}+\cdots,$ so your first coefficient is $1.$ It corresponds to the index $n-k=37,$ and you have one term so far. So, your next coefficient is $$1\times\frac{37}{1}=37.$$ Next, $37\times36/2=666.$ The fourth coefficient is $666\times35/3=7770,$ getting $$(a+b)^{37}=a^{37}+37a^{36}b+666a^{35}b^2+7770a^{34}b^3+\cdots$$and so on until you get half of them and then use the symmetrical nature of the binomial theorem to write down the other half.