Number Theory – Binomial Coefficients Involving Prime Powers Minus 1

binomial-coefficientsnumber theoryprime numbersreference-requestsummation

I would like to show the following is true; Let $p\in\mathbb{P}, \alpha,n\in\mathbb{N}$. Then

$$p^\alpha\mid\sum_{k=1}^{n-1}\binom{(p^\alpha-1)n}{(p^\alpha -1)k}.$$

I've never worked with prime powers inside binomial coefficients. I was hoping to see if there are any theorems, papers, or other research materials that deal with these types of objects. The reason for the belief is due to a Mathematica calculation that I ran that suggests this holds so long as the binomial coefficient involves multiples of $m=p^\alpha-1$. Here is the calculation.

enter image description here

The green rows represent the values of $m$ from 2 to 30 that support the divisibility claim. These numbers in order are


and these numbers, when entered into return that these numbers are prime powers minus one. (i ran the calculation again from $m=31..50$ to ensure this was the correct sequence, as for $m=1$ to $30$ yield a similar sequence…but i verified that $44$ is not a value of $m$ that produces divisibility). I know that this does not constitute a proof, and in NT, 40 is so small a number to test. But I reran the calculation for $n$ up to $100$ and $m$ up to $100$ and it still seems to hold. If this is true, it must be due to the nature of $p^{\alpha}-1$ as apposed to $p^{\alpha}\cdot k-1$, where $k$ is some other integer.

I know that $p^\alpha-1=(p-1)(p^{\alpha-1}+p^{\alpha-2}+…+p+1)$ but I can't see how this helps. Are there properties of cyclotomic polynomials that help?

EDIT: This question is directly related. Thank you.

Best Answer

The claim is true. Summary: we show by induction it is enough to prove the congruence for $A_m$ for $m = 1,\ldots, k$ where $N+1 = p^k$, and then we prove that by showing (in this particular case) that the binomial coefficients are all divisible by $p^k$ (which doesn't hold in general).

Let $$A_m = \sum_{j=0}^{m} \binom{Nm}{Nj}.$$ The claim to be proven is $A_m \equiv 2 \mod N+1$ if $N + 1 = p^k$ is a prime power.

Note that

$$(1 + x)^{Nm} = \sum_{j=0}^{Nm} \binom{Nm}{j} x^j,$$

if one lets $\zeta$ denote a primitive $N$th root of unity, then

$$ \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} (1 + \zeta^i)^{Nm} = \sum_{j=0}^{Nm} \binom{Nm}{j} \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} \zeta^{ji}$$ $$ = \sum_{j=0}^{Nm} \binom{Nm}{j} \begin{cases} N, & j \equiv 0 \mod N \\ 0, & j \not\equiv 0 \mod N. \end{cases}$$ $$ = N \sum_{j=0}^{m} \binom{Nm}{Nj}.$$ So if, for $m \ge 1$, $$B_m = \sum_{i=0}^{N-1} (1 + \zeta^i)^{Nm} = \sum_{\zeta^i \ne -1} (1 + \zeta^i)^{Nm},$$ then the congruence $A_m \equiv 2 \mod (N+1)$ is equivalent to the congruence $B_m \equiv - 2 \mod (N+1)$.

The roots of unity are all distinct modulo $p$, so there is a unique $\zeta^i \equiv -1 \mod p$. If $p$ is odd, then $N$ is even, and it is $\zeta^{i} = -1$, and $(1 + \zeta^i) = 0$. If $p = 2$, then $N$ is odd, and it is $\zeta^i = 1$ and $(1 + \zeta^i) = 2$. In the latter case, for $m \ge 1$, the term $(1 + \zeta^i)^N$ is equal to $2^N$ which is certainly trivial modulo $2^k = N+1$ because $2^N \ge N+1 = 2^k$. Hence we have

$$B_m = \sum_{\zeta^i \ne -1} (1 + \zeta^i)^{Nm} \equiv \sum_{\zeta^i \not\equiv -1} (1 + \zeta^i)^{Nm} \mod p^k.$$

The polynomial $X^N - 1$ is separable over $\mathbf{F}_p$. Moreover, its roots over this field are precisely the units of $\mathbf{F}_q$, since the units in that field are cyclic of order $q - 1 = N$. Hence the extension cut out by the roots of unity $\zeta^i$ over $\mathbf{Q}_p$ is just the fraction field of the Witt vectors $W(\mathbf{F}_q)$. All of this is just to say (if you don't know algebraic number theory) that it makes sense to talk of congruences for these algebraic integers modulo powers of $p$, and that we also have (assuming $\zeta^i \not\equiv -1 \mod p$): $$(1 + \zeta^i)^N \equiv 1 \mod p$$ Hence it also follows that $$((1 + \zeta^i)^{N} - 1)^k \equiv 0 \mod p^k$$ But then, for any non-negative integer $r$, we have: $$\sum_{\zeta^i \not\equiv -1} ((1 + \zeta^i)^{N} - 1)^k (1 + \zeta^i)^{Nr} \equiv 0 \mod p^k,$$ or, expanding out: $$ \sum_{r=0}^{k} B_{n+ r} (-1)^r \binom{k}{r} \equiv 0 \mod p^k,$$ and thus we obtain the $k$-term recurrence $$B_{n+k} (-1)^{k-1} = \sum_{r=0}^{k-1} B_{n+r} (-1)^r \binom{k}{r} \mod p^k$$ Suppose that $B_m \equiv -2 \mod p^k$ for $m = 1, \ldots, k$. Then, by induction, we get $B_m \equiv -2 \mod p^k$ for all $m$, simply by applying the recurrence above and using the identity $$\sum (-1)^r \binom{k}{r} = 0.$$ So we just need to prove the first few values of $A_m \equiv 2 \mod p^k$. But now we can look at the actual binomial coefficients themselves.

Suppose that $N+1 = p^k$. We claim that, in the range $a+b \le k$ and $a,b > 0$, we have $$\binom{N(a+b)}{Nb} \equiv 0 \mod p^k.$$ Once we know this, it follows that $A_m \equiv 2 \mod p^k$ for $m \le k$ and we are done by induction.

In fact, since trivially $k \le p^k$, we are done by the following stronger claim.

Claim Suppose that $a + b \le p^k$ and $N + 1 = p^k$. Then the $p$-adic valuation of $$\binom{N(a+b)}{Nb}$$ for $a,b \ge 1$ is exactly $k$.


The $p$-adic valuation of the binomial coefficient is precisely the number of times one has to carry the one when adding $Na$ and $Nb$. For a number $0 \le m-1 < p^k$ (which includes $a-1$, $b-1$, and $c = a+b-1$, we may write $$m - 1 = (m_{k-1}, m_{k-2}, \ldots, m_0)$$ in base $p$, and we may also write $$p^k - m = (p^k - 1) - (m - 1) = (m'_{k-1}, m'_{k-2}, \ldots, m'_0).$$ Since $$m-1 + (p^k - m) = p^k - 1,$$ we have, for all $i = 0,1,\ldots,k-1$, that $$m_i + m'_i = p - 1.$$ We now find that $aN$, $bN$, and $cN$ have $p$-adic expansions as follows $$aN = (a_{k-1}, a_{k-2}, \ldots, a_0,a'_{k-1}, \ldots, a'_0),$$ $$bN = (b_{k-1}, b_{k-2}, \ldots, b_0,b'_{k-1}, \ldots, b'_0),$$ $$cN = (c_{k-1}, c_{k-2}, \ldots, c_0,c'_{k-1}, \ldots, c'_0),$$ As noted before, we have $$a_i + a'_i = p-1, \ b_i + b'_i = p-1, c_i + c'_i = p -1.$$ Hence $$(a_i + b_i) + (a'_i + b'_i) = (c_i + c'_i) + p - 1,$$ or $$(a_i + b_i - c_i) + (a'_i + b'_i - c'_i) = p - 1.$$


$$a_i + b_i = c_i + \begin{cases} p & \text{carry required} \\ 0 & \text{no carry required}\end{cases} \ + \begin{cases} -1 & \text{carry required in $i-1$ slot} \\ 0 & \text{no carry required in $i-1$ slot} \end{cases}$$ and the same with $a'_i$, $b'_i$, and $c'_i$.

There is a unique way of writing $p-1$ as a sum of exactly two terms in the set $\{p,0,-1,0\}$. It follows that in the pair of slots $(i,i+k)$, either exactly one of the pairs coming from the $m_i$-coefficient and the $m'_i$ coefficient requires "carrying the one," (It also follows that exactly one of the pairs $m_{i-1}$ and $m'_{i-1}$ (which might be $m'_k$ if $i = 0$) also requires carrying the one, although this is the same statement for $i-1$ instead of $i$. This is why the sum is $p-1$ and not $p$.)

But since exactly one of the pair coming from the $m_i$-coefficient and the $m'_i$ coefficient requires "carrying the one," exactly half the terms have this property, and we are done.

Additional: A weaker version of the induction argument is as follows. By the analog of Fermat's Little Theorem and Euler's Theorem in $W(\mathbf{F}_q)$ ($q = p^k$), one has the identity $$\gamma^{N p^{k-1}} = \gamma^{(q-1)p^{k-1}} \equiv 1 \mod p^k$$ for any $\gamma \in W(\mathbf{F}_q)^{\times}$, that is, any $\gamma \not\equiv 0 \mod p$. It follows that

$$\begin{aligned} B_{m + p^{k-1}} = & \ \sum_{\zeta^i \not\equiv - 1} (1 + \zeta^i)^{mN + N p^{k-1}}\\ \equiv & \ \sum_{\zeta^i \not\equiv - 1} (1 + \zeta^i)^{mN} \mod p^k\\ = & \ B_m \mod p^k, \end{aligned}$$ and so by induction it suffices to show that $B_m \equiv -2 \mod p^k$ for $m = 1, \ldots, p^{k-1}$ rather than $m = 1, \ldots, k$. Since the second step actually proves the congruence $B_m \equiv -2 \mod p^k$ for $m = 1, \ldots, p^k$, this also suffices, and one might find this version of the inductive step slightly easier.

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