[Math] Binary Linear Codes of Minimum Distance 3


Let $B_n$ denote the maximum size of a binary linear code (a binary code that is closed under addition) whose codewords have length $n$ and whose minimum distance is $3$. I have been searching for the best-known lower bounds for $A(n,3)$, but I can't seem to find anything. My question is simply: What are some lower bounds for the numbers $B_n$?

Best Answer

The binary Hamming code with parameters $[n,k,d]=[2^m-1,2^m-m-1,3]$ is perfect (no larger code exists) and for the values of $n=2^m-1,$ $m\geq 3$ provides the lower bound $$A_{2^m-1}\geq 2^{(2^m-m-1)}$$.

So $A_7\geq 16,$ etc.

The Gilbert-Varshamov bound states that for alphabet size $q$ a prime power, there exists a linear $[n,k]$ code with minimum distance at least $d$ provided $$q^{n-k}\geq \sum_{i=0}^{d-2} {n-1 \choose i} (q-1)^i.$$ So you can take $q=2$ and find the largest $k$ satisfying this inequality.

There is a table in Roman's Coding Theory book, which has the following information (but for all, not necessarily linear codes). $$ \begin{array}{cl} n & A(n,d) \\ 5 & 4\\ 6& 8 \\ 7 & 16\\ 8 & 20\\ 9 & 40 \\ 10 & 72-79 \\ \cdots & \cdots \\ 16 & 2560-3276 \end{array}$$