[Math] Bijection for two sets.


Give a bijection between the set of odd numbers and the set of even numbers and provide proof that it is a bijection.

Would this be a feasible bijection:

If $a$ is odd, then $a-1$ is even.

How would I provide a proof, that this is bijective? I understand that this is a bijection in that it is surjective and injective as each element only maps to one.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

So you're saying that your function $f : \{ \text{odds} \} \to \{ \text{evens} \}$ is given by $f(a)=a-1$.

This function certainly works. To show $f$ is bijective you need to show that:

  • $f$ is well-defined, i.e. given any odd number $a$, $f(a)$ really is even;
  • $f$ is injective, i.e. if $f(a)=f(b)$ then $a=b$;
  • $f$ is surjective, i.e. given any even number $n$ there is an odd number $a$ such that $f(a)=n$.

When you've proved that $f$ is well-defined, injective and surjective then, by definition of what it means to be bijective, you've proved that $f$ is a bijection.