[Math] Bijection between the plane and the surface of a sphere


Is there a simple bijective function between the surface of the unit sphere in $\mathbb{R}^3$ and the real plane? I am aware of stereographic projection and Riemann sphere but these seem to map the north pole to infinity.

Best Answer

Start from the stereographic bijection $B$ between the sphere minus its North pole $p$ and the plane. One needs a point of the plane to be the image of $p$ hence we will make some room for it. Choose any injective sequence $(x_k)_{k\ge0}$ of points in the plane and define a shift $S$ on the plane by $S(x_k)=x_{k+1}$ for every $k\ge0$ and $S(x)=x$ for every other point $x$ of the plane. Then $S\circ B$ is a bijection between the sphere minus $p$ and the plane minus $x_0$. Extend it to a bijection between the sphere and the plane by sending $p$ to $x_0$. You are done.