[Math] Big Oh Notation for a Recursive Algorithm

algorithmscomputational complexityrecursive algorithms

I have a question that I'm unsure of:

Express the complexity of the following method using big-O notation. You must explain how you arrived at your answer. What value is returned by the call fred(1,4)?

int fred(int x, int y)
    if(y == 0)
        return x;
    else if((y % 2) == 0)
        return fred(2 * x, y / 2);
        return fred(x, y / 2);

It seems that this would never reach the base case and therefore gets stuck in an infinite loop. Am I correct here? Do functions like this have an answer for complexity like O(infinity)?

Best Answer

An algorithm is called algorithm because it always converges. You will see in this simple function $y$ is always decreasing and eventually obtains zero and then the algorithm terminates. In this case,


To analyse the complexity of the algorithm, note that y reaches its half each iteration so it belongs to $O(\log y)$.

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