[Math] Bézier approximation of archimedes spiral

bezier-curvegeometryplane-curvespolar coordinatesspline

As part of an iOS app I’m making, I want to draw a decent approximation of an Archimedes spiral. The drawing library I’m using (CGPath in Quartz 2D, which is C-based) supports arcs as well as cubic and quadratic Bézier curves. What is a good method of approximating an Archimedes spiral using either of these path types? For example the wikipedia exemplar image says it was “drawn as a series of minimum-error Bézier segments.” How would one generate such segments?

My math background takes me through Calculus III plus some stuff I picked up from a classical mechanics class, but it’s been a couple of years so I’m rusty. What I have so far:

For a spiral r = a + b $\theta$, I used the information from this page to find that the cartesian slope at any point (r, $\theta$) is equal to

$$\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{b\sin\theta\space+\space(a + b\theta)\cos\theta}{b\cos\theta\space-\space(a + b\theta)\sin\theta}$$

From here, I could use point-slope to find the equation of a tangent line at any point, but how do I go about finding the proper lengths of the handles (i.e. the positions of the middle two points) for the curve? Or would an approximation with circular arc segments be better/easier/faster?

If I can’t figure it out, I’ll just use a static image in the app, but it occurs to me that I don’t even know of a way to generate a high-quality image of an Archimedes spiral! The Spiral tool in Illustrator, for example, does only logarithmic spirals.

Best Answer

So it looks like the Wikipedia reference image uses 45 degree sections of these curves. You can use the equation for the spiral to give you the tangent line at the beginning and end of these curve sections. Evaluate the derivative at these two points to get the tangent line slope and then shift your line appropriately to hit the point used. The intersection Of these two lines should be your control point. Once you have found your control point you can put it in the function 'CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint' for the cx, cy (I think) along with the point you want to go to (also from the spiral equation). For reference--check out the animation under 'quadratic curves' here

For extra speed, you only have to find 8 tangent lines max--just shift them out for the next cycle of the spiral and reuse them.

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