Real Analysis – Other ?-Algebras Between Borel and Lebesgue ?-Algebras


Is there any $\sigma$-algebra that is strictly between the Borel $\sigma$-algebra and the Lebesgue $\sigma$-algebra?

How about not in between the two, but in general, are there any other $\sigma$ algebra(s)?

What can be concluded about measure too, e.g. is Lebesgue measure the only measure for Lebesgue $\sigma$ algebra?

Best Answer

First question (title): Sure. It is not hard to show that the sets of the form $B \cup S$, where $B$ is Borel and $S$ is a subset of the Cantor-set constitute a $\sigma$-algebra. There are $2^{\mathfrak{c}}$ subsets of the Cantor set but only $\mathfrak{c}$ Borel sets, hence this $\sigma$-algebra lies strictly between the Borel sets and the Lebesgue-measurable sets.

It's very rare that there is no $\sigma$-algebra strictly between two $\sigma$-algebras, it essentially means that there are atoms (sets that cannot be written non-trivially as union of proper subsets.

I'm not sure I understand the last question. You can take for instance Lebesgue measure plus a Dirac measure if you want something strictly different (i.e. not related via Radon-Nikodym).