[Math] best strategies for ‘Squid Game’ episode 6 game 4 “marble game” players

game theorylinear algebranash-equilibriumprobabilityprobability theory

Two players each get $n=10$ marbles. Every alternating turn, one player (say, the player whose turn it is) hides an amount of own marbles in fist, and, the other player must guess if hidden amount is odd or even, and, that other player (i.e., the player whose turn it is not) also must bet an amount of own marbles. If guess is right, the player whose turn it is gives (as much as possible) the amount of bet marbles to opponent. If guess is wrong, the player whose turn it is takes the amount of bet marbles from opponent. Next, the turn now alternates to the other player. The game stops when one player has all $2n=20$ marbles.

The losing player gets killed (in the series, that is).

Which strategies for both players (perhaps one strategy for the one who gets first turn, and one strategy for the other player) give maximal probabilities to win (and to not get killed).

We must assume both players know the starting conditions and are perfect mathematicians and logicians.

On a side note: is this an old or new game? If it is a known old game, can anyone tell where its 'official' rules (and, maybe, solution(s)) are documented?


(series details coming so warning: spoiler ahead)

There is a YT video where rules are explained to be: if guesser guesses wrong, guesser must give amount 'h' that was hidden by hider, not amount 'b' bet by guesser.


The video also gives the simple solution for that variant.

And presenter also mentions rules are not clear, but, most people, he says, believe 'h'. Some comments claim otherwise.

Fair enough.

From examples in series it is not entirely clear to me either what the rule is.

There is only one example where guesser guesses wrong.

In that example, guesser bets b=2, and hider hides h=3, and guesser guesses odd. One can see the guesser give 2 (amount b bet), and, next it is shown guesser has only one more left. The guesser stops playing. If the rule were to give 3 (amount h hidden), guesser would immediately loose, and if the guards were paying attention, guesser would have been killed. If the rule were to give 2 (amount b bet) then guesser, upon becoming hider, would also loose. But, current guesser is a cheater so, in both cases (having to give b=2 or h=3), it fits him to hold that last marble.

Note that the cheater is portrayed to be clever and his opponent to be dumb. And the opponent did not know the game.

However, if rule were to have to give h(=3), then guesser would cheat hard in not holding on to the rules, and, be lucky to still be alive. After all, the outcome of each games in the series is said to be fatal, but fair. But, if rule were to have to give b(=2), then guesser would still cheat hard by stopping the game, and, even manipulating opponents marbles. A moderately clever guard paying attention would notice game was not played fair, and, a somewhat more clever guard paying attention would even know guesser lost in any case.

Best Answer

Essentially, this is like one player choosing "odd" or "even" freely, and the other player trying to guess. That game is straightforward: both players should choose "odd" and "even" with equal probability, and then it becomes a martingale so the amount you choose to bet is irrelevant: you win with probability $1/2$.

Your game has an added complication: if it is your turn to hide marbles, and you only have one left, you can only hide an odd number and you lose.

However, all this means is that no-one will ever bet $k-1$ marbles if they have $k$ left: it would be a better strategy to bet all $k$, since this is better if you guess right, and no worse if you guess wrong (you certainly lose either way). Note that it is not possible for your opponent to have exactly $k-1$ marbles if you have $k$, on parity grounds. However, since we've established that no-one would ever bet $k-1$ marbles when they have $k$, it follows that no-one will ever have exactly one marble left at their turn to hide, so the game becomes a martingale again.

tl;dr the best strategy is "always pick even/odd with equal probability, and if you have $k$ bet any number of marbles you like as long as 1) you don't bet more marbles than your opponent has left, and 2) you don't bet exactly $k-1$". Then each player has equal probability of winning.

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