[Math] Bernoulli Lemniscate – surface area and volume


How do I calculate the surface area and volume of the solid obtained by rotating the Bernoulli lemniscate
around the $x$-axis?

It is not like I'm lazy and asking for a ready solution, or completely helpless. I really tried to calculate this and I failed. That is why I'm asking for help 🙂

Best Answer

The solution in the polar coordinates system where the lemniscate is given by the formula $r^{2}=2a^{2}\cos2\phi$.

Surface area can be obtained by using the formula $A=2\pi\int_a^br(\phi)\sin\phi\sqrt{r^{2}(\phi)+[dr(\phi)/d\phi]^{2}}d\phi$: $$A=2\pi a^{2}\sqrt{a}\int_a^b\sin\phi\sqrt{\cos2\phi +sin^{2}2\phi } d\phi$$ The integral above seems to have no analytical solutions.

The formula for the volume is pretty simple and can be obtained directly from the formula $V=\pi\int_a^b r^2(\phi)d\phi$ : $$V=2a^{2}\pi\int_a^b cos2\phi d\phi$$

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