Calculus – Beginning of Romance: Book Recommendations


I am a 17-year old student in India, in the standard 12th grade. Recently, I found the fascination in mathematics, and I am eager to dig in further.

Currently, the only textbooks I have are the ones at school: M.L Agrawal's of 11th and 12th. I don't find them very supportive. They are educational, but quite exam centered. Almost everything around me is exam centered, as students study math primarily so that they can qualify for board exams and engineering entrances.

Not to sell myself short, but hey, not everyone can be Ramanujan and derive wonders from schoolbooks. Could anyone suggest someplace to start?
I am really interested in coordinate geometry and calculus.

I have considered buying an S.L Loney, but every suggestion would be valuable.
Thank you.

Best Answer

Please note I am not in a position to guide how you can take forward your interest in Geometry, but I feel that following are math foundation books.

  1. Coordinate Geomerty - S L Loney (
  2. Plane Trigonometry - S L Loney (
  3. Higher Algebra - Hall & Knight (
  4. Challenging Problems in Algebra - ALFRED S. POSAMENTIER & CHARLES T. SALKIND
  5. Problems in Elementary Mathematics - V. LIDSKY,L. OVSYANNIKOV,A. TULAIKOV,M. SHABUNIN (Mir Publication)
  6. INEQUALITIES - P. P. Korovkin (Mir Publication)
  7. Methos of Mathematical Induction - I. S. SOMINSKII (Mir Publication)
  8. The Differential and Integral Calculus - N P Piskunov (Mir Publication)
  9. Trigonometric Function (Problem Solving Approach) - A. Panchishkin, E. Shavgulidze (Mir Publication)
  10. Class 11 & 12 math books from site
  11. Calculus - Thomas & Finney

All the and Mir Publication books are available free on internet.

I feel book 8 and 11 should be kept last.

My reply includes Geometry, Algebra and Calculus.

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