[Math] Bayes’ rule conditional probability coin toss and dice roll


A fair coin is tossed. If it comes up heads, dice 1 is rolled three times. If it comes up tails, dice 2 is rolled three times. Dice 1 contains $2$ blue sides and $4$ green sides. Dice 2 contains $3$ blue sides and $3$ green sides. If it is not known which die was used, and the first and second throw showed green, find the probability the third throw will be green.


Using Bayes' rule:

$P(A = \mbox{green on third}|B =\mbox{green on first and second})$,

P(A|B) = \frac{P(B|A)P(A)}{P(B)},
where $P(B|A)$, $P(A)$, $P(B)$ need to be calculated for both dice.
P(B|A) = \left(0.5\times \frac{4}{6}\times \frac{4}{6}\right) + \left(0.5\times \frac{3}{6}\times \frac{3}{6} \right)
P(A) = (0.5\times \frac{4}{6}) + (0.5\times \frac{3}{6})
P(B) = \left(0.5\times \frac{4}{6}\times \frac{4}{6}\right) + \left( 0.5\times \frac{3}{6}\times \frac{3}{6}\right)

By this thinking, $P(B)$ = $P(B|A)$. Is this correct?

Best Answer

Your $P(A)$ and $P(B)$ are correct, but your $P(B|A)$ is not (if it were, then independence would be given, and the opposite is the case here).

Just use the definition $P(B|A)=\frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(A)}$ and use total probability on the numerator to obtain $$P(A\cap B)=\left(0.5\times \frac{4}{6}\times \frac{4}{6}\times\frac{4}{6}\right) + \left(0.5\times \frac{3}{6}\times \frac{3}{6}\times \frac{3}{6} \right)$$ and so $$P(B|A)=\frac{13}{36}.$$

Actually, Bayes is not needed here. Just calculating $P(A|B)=\frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(B)}=\frac{91}{150}$ should be enough.