[Math] Basketball Team Combinatorial


Question: A basketball team has 5 players, 3 in forward position (which includes a center) and 2 in guard position. In how many ways can we make a team if there are 6 forwards, 4 guards and 2 people who can play forward or guard?

The way I am approaching this question is as follows:
We need to pick 3 people out of 6 for the forward position: $\binom{6}{3}$.

We also need to pick 2 guards out of possible 4: $\binom{4}{2}$.

So far, the answer is: $\binom{6}{3} \times \binom{4}{2}$. (assuming that the 2 people who can play forward or guard statement is disregarded).

If two people can play forward or guard, I am thinking of assuming both play forward, add that to assuming one is forward one is guard, plus assuming two are guards. So:

$\binom{8}{3}\binom{4}{2} + \binom{7}{3}\binom{5}{2} + \binom{6}{3}\binom{6}{2}$

Would this yield the right answer? If not, why?

Best Answer

I would do this carefully, the long way, and then see whether I have missed any shortcuts. A procedure that does not involve crossing the fingers has high priority!

You counted correctly the number $\binom{6}{3}\binom{4}{2}$ of teams made up of specialists. So there are $120$ such teams. Now we count separately the teams that contain $1$ versatile player, and $2$ versatile players.

If we are going to have $1$ versatile player, she can be chosen in $\binom{2}{1}$ ways. She can replace a forward, leaving $\binom{6}{2}\binom{4}{2}$ choices for the rest of the team, or she can replace a guard, leaving $\binom{6}{3}\binom{4}{1}$ choices for the rest of the team. Thus there are $$\binom{2}{1}\left(\binom{6}{2}\binom{4}{2}+\binom{6}{3}\binom{4}{1}\right)$$ teams with exactly $1$ versatile player. So there are $340$ such teams.

If we are going to use $2$ versatile players, they can be both replace forwards, leaving $\binom{6}{1}\binom{4}{2}$ choices, or both replace guards, leaving $\binom{6}{3}$ choices, or do one of each, leaving $\binom{6}{2}\binom{4}{1}$ choices, for a total of $$\binom{6}{1}\binom{4}{2}+\binom{6}{3}+\binom{6}{2}\binom{4}{1}$$ teams with exactly $2$ versatile players. So there are $96$ such teams.

Finally, add up.

Remark: I interpreted team to mean a set of $5$ people. If by team we mean a set of $5$, together with a specification of what positions (forward or guard) they are playing, the answer would be different, since one versatile player in each position would have to be counted twice, once for X playing forward and Y playing guard, and once for the reverse. And one can complicate things further.

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