[Math] Bairstow’s method: Rate of convergence

numerical methods

In numerical analysis, I was asked whether Bairstow's algorithm convergence rate is quadratic.

My initial feeling was that it does, since it is essentially Newton's method for a system of non-linear equations, and Newton's method converges quadratically in one dimension (When f is from R to R).

A quick search on the internet seemed to indicate that indeed, the rate is quadratic as long as the roots are of multiplicity 1.

However, I have real trouble proving this. I was trying to imitate the proof of Newton's method in one dimesnsion found in Kincaid and Cheney's book "Numerical Analysis", but ran into some trouble since there isn't a simple "second derivative" for a vector valued function (unless I want to use tensors, and that's way beyond our course material).

So I'm stuck. How do I show that the rate of convergence is quadratic (or that it's not if the roots aren't simple)?

Best Answer

A proof of the quadratic convergence rate for Newton's method in 2 variables may be found in the book Elements of Numerical Analysis by P. Henrici (J. Wiley, 1964).

Also proved is the condition for this to apply to Bairstow's method.