Real Analysis – Condensation Points in Euclidean Space


This is from Rudin's Principal of Mathematical Analysis, Chapter 2, Problem 27.

Let $E \subseteq \mathbb{R}^k$. Let $P$ be the set of all condensation points of $E$. Let $\{ V_n \}$ be a countable base of $\mathbb{R}^k$. Let $W$ be the union of those $V_n$ for which $E \cap V_n$ is at most countable. Prove $P = W^c$ and $P$ is perfect.

I've done the part $P = W^c$ and therefore showed it is closed. But then I'm stuck at showing that every point of this set is a limit point of it.

Could you give me some vital hint for this?

Best Answer

You’ve done all the hard work. Suppose that $p\in P$ is not a limit point of $P$; then $p$ has an open nbhd $V$ such that $V\cap P=\{p\}$. Is that possible, given your construction of $P$?

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