[Math] Axiom of unrestricted comprehension


I'm doing some research on naive set theory and was a little confused over the statement of the axiom of unrestricted comprehension, $\exists$B$\forall$x(x$\in$B$\iff$$\phi$(x)). I am curious as to why this is an iff statement. I was under the assumption that, in naive set theory, a set only exists if it is determined by some property, but this seems to say that a property exists for each set as well. Why doesn't the implication $\exists$B$\forall$x(x$\in$B$\implies$$\phi$(x)) suffice?

Best Answer

Recall, by definition of the empty set, $\forall x\;x \notin \emptyset$.

So trivially, for any $\varphi$, $\forall x(x \in \emptyset \to \varphi(x))$.

So, still trivially, for any $\varphi$, $\exists B\forall x(x \in B \to \varphi(x))$, just so long as the empty set exists. Not enough, then, to give you a set as the extension of $\varphi$, so not what you want!

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