[Math] $Ax = b$ and $Ax = 0$ solutions

linear algebramatrices

I'm having trouble classifying the solution set of the systems $Ax = b$ and $Ax = 0$.

Let A be an ($m \times n$) matrix.

Case I:

For $Ax = 0$, the system has a unique solution (the trivial one) when A is invertible, and infinitely many solutions when A is not.

  • We can scratch off the "no solution" case because there is always the zero matrix solution correct?

Case II:

For $Ax = b$, if A is invertible, then for all ($n \times 1$) vector b, the matrix equation has a unique solution given by $x = A^{-1}b$.
Else, there are two remaining cases: infinitely many solutions or no solutions.

  • How would I know which it is? Can we not tell until we have row reduced the augmented matrix?

Finally is the following true or false?

If y and z are solutions of the system Ax = b then any linear combination of y and z is also a solution.

My thoughts are that it is correct but I am not too sure.

Best Answer

In case II, note that in general, $A$ will not be invertible, as this requires $m=n$.

The condition for having solutions is the rank of the augmented matrix is equal to $\operatorname{rank}A$ (in all cases it is $\ge\operatorname{rank}A$). It is the case if $A$ has rank $m$, which implies $n\ge m$ and $A$ is right-invertible – in particular if $A$ is invertible.

Concerning the last question, the solution is not a subspace, but it is an affine subspace, which means any weighted mean of solutions is again a solution.