Normal Distribution – Average Norm of an N-Dimensional Vector

normal distributionnormed-spacesrandomvectors

I'm interested in knowing what is the expected value of the norm of a vector obtained from a gaussian distribution in function of the number of dimensions $N$ and $\sigma$, i.e:

$$E[\|x\|_2],\quad x\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma I_N)$$

I tried to search for this but didn't find anything. Can I get some help from you?

Best Answer

This amounts to integration in spherical coordinates $(r=\|x\|)$: $$ E(\|x\|) = \frac{1}{(\sqrt{2\pi} \sigma)^N } \frac{N\pi^{N/2}}{\Gamma\big(\frac{N}{2}+1\big)}\int_0^\infty e^{-r^2/(2\sigma^2)} r^{N-1} \,dr \tag1$$

This is not so bad: substitute $t=r^2/(2\sigma^2)$, so that $dt = r/\sigma^2$. The resulting integral gives Euler's gamma function $\Gamma$. I'll skip the boring cancellations and get to the result: $$ E(\|x\|) = \frac{\sqrt{2}\, \Gamma\big(\frac{N+1}{2}\big)}{\Gamma\big(\frac{N }{2}\big)}\,\sigma $$ As stated in this paper, where you can also find the inequalities $$ \frac{N}{\sqrt{N+1}}\le \sigma^{-1}E(\|x\|)\le \sqrt{N} $$

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