Abstract Algebra – Proving Aut(Z_8) is Isomorphic to Z_2 ? Z_2


I'm trying to prove that Aut $\mathbb Z_8$ is isomorphic to $\mathbb Z_2 \oplus\mathbb Z_2$, but I have no idea how to prove it. First of all, I'm trying to prove that Aut $\mathbb Z_8$ has four elements. Can I argue that because $\mathbb Z_8$ has four possibilities of generators, say $\bar 1$, $\bar 3$ $\bar 5$, $\bar 7$, since each isomorphism is compleated determined by the image of its generators, then $\mathbb Z_8$ has four elements?

I need help


Best Answer

You're on to a good start. An automorphism of a cyclic group is uniquely and completely determined by the image of any fixed generator, and that image must itself be a generator. That proves to you indeed that $Aut(\mathbb Z_8)$ has four elements.

Now, to go on, you just need to distinguish between the two possibilities for a group of order $4$. It is either isomorphic to $\mathbb Z_4$ or to $\mathbb Z_2 \times \mathbb Z_2$. There are four possibilities for generators of $Aut(\mathbb Z_8)$, so you can try each of them and see if it generates the whole group or not. You'll quickly find the correct answer, proving the result.