[Math] At what time did Q reach his destination given the following conditions


A person P started from town X at 10 am and went towards town Y. Another person Q started from Y at 12 pm and went towards X. They met at 2 pm. P reached his destination 20 minutes after Q did. At what time did Q reach his destination?


Let Z be the point where P and Q met. Let x be the elapsed time for Q to travel from Z to X, so the elapsed time for P to travel from Z to Y is x+1/3.


I am confused here. 4.Sx/Sx=2 . Sy/Sy and I also did after this 4/x=2/1+1/3x but I am getting no where to the result.

Sx and Sy are the speed Of x and y.

Can Anyone guide me how to form the equation after this?Please correct me if i am wrong till here.

Best Answer

Denote the time you are looking for by $t$, the speeds by $v_p,v_q$ and the whole distance by $R$.

Then you got the following equations:

  1. $R=2v_q+4v_p$.

  2. $v_p(t+2 \frac{1}{3})=v_qt=R$.

From here it is easy to get to quadric equation in $t$ and to get $t=4 \frac{2}{3}$.

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