[Math] As many even numbers as natural numbers.

number theory

I just read somewhere that there are as many even numbers as natural numbers! Is there an intuitive way of coming to terms with this fact? Because honestly, it's quite baffling. Also, does the concept of odd/even apply to negative integers as well? By definition, it should. But I have never seen a negative multiple of two being used as an example of an even number.

Best Answer

Let’s take the questions in reverse order.

Yes, the concepts of odd and even apply to negative integers: any integer $n$ is even if and only if there is an integer $k$ such that $n=2k$. The integer $k$ can be positive, negative, or zero. Thus, $-6=2(-3)$ is even, as is $0=2\cdot0$. An integer is odd if and only if it is not even, so $-7$ is odd: there is no integer $k$ such that $-7=2k$.

The answer to the first question is also yes. First, it’s very easy to put the set of natural numbers, $\Bbb N=\{0,1,2,3,\dots\}$, into one-to-one correspondence with the set $E=\{0,2,4,6,\dots\}$ of even natural numbers: the map $\Bbb N\to E:n\mapsto 2n$ is clearly a bijection. If you want to fine a bijection between $\Bbb N$ and the set of all even integers, you have to work a little harder. Here’s a picture of part of one:

$$\begin{array}{r} 0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8&9&\dots\\ 0&2&-2&4&-4&6&-6&8&-8&10&\dots \end{array}$$

This can be expressed as

$$n\mapsto\begin{cases} -n,&\text{if }n\text{ is even}\\ n+1,&\text{if }n\text{ is odd}\;, \end{cases}$$

and you can check that this really is a bijection from $\Bbb N$ to the set of all even integers.

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