[Math] Arrangements of “dictionary” with no two consecutive vowels


How many 10-letter words can you form by arranging the word DICTIONARY such that no two vowels are beside each other?

What I did is put the vowels and calculate there are $\dfrac{4!}{2!}$ ways in arranging them.
The only problem are the consonants. There should be at least one consonant between the four vowels.
Need help here.

Best Answer

First, arrange the six consonants. There are $6!$ ways to do this. There are $7$ possible places to place the $4$ vowels, with no more than one in each place, so you choose $4$ of the $7$ places.

The total number of arrangements with no consecutive vowels is the number of ways to arrange the consonants, multiplied by the number of ways to permute the vowels, multiplied by the number of ways to arrange the vowels or $6!\cdot \dfrac{4!}{2!} \times \large\binom{7}{4}$.