Number Theory – Arithmetic Sequence Where Every Term Is Prime

elementary-number-theorynumber theoryprime numbers

I conjecture that there does not exist an arithmetic sequence where every number is prime. Put another way, the set
$$S_{a,b} = \{a + \delta b \ \vert \delta \in \mathbb{N}\}$$
Where $a, b \in \mathbb{N}$

contains some composite number.

I have no idea how to approach such a question. Googling let me to theorems about densities of primes in arithmetic sequences (Green-Tao and the like), but nothing that answers this elementary question.

Best Answer

As quasi points out in a comment, when $\delta=a$ the element is $a(b+1)$ which is composite unless possibly $a=1$.

More generally just take $\delta = kb+k+a$ for any $k$ whatever. Then the element is $$kb^2 +(k+a)b + a = (kb+a)(b+1)$$ which is composite.

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