[Math] Area under the graph $y=\ln x$


Find the Area of the shaded region

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$y= \ln x \rightarrow x = e^y $

I found that the curve cuts the $x$ axis at $1$ through substituting $0$ to $y$

Why I can't find the area under the graph through this and how should I find it ?

$$ \int_1^4 e^y \, dy $$

Best Answer

Way 1

By part $$\int_1^4 \ln(x)\,dx=\int_1^4 \underbrace{1}_{u'(x)}\underbrace{\ln(x)}_{v(x)} \, dx= \left[ x \ln(x) \vphantom{\frac 11} \right]_1^4-\int_1^4dx=\cdots$$

Way 2

If you make the substitution $x=e^u$, then you get $$\int_1^4 \ln(x)\,dx=\int_{\ln(1)}^{\ln(4)}ue^u\,du.$$