[Math] Area of octagon constructed in a square


The following picture is constructed by connecting each corner of a square with the midpoint of a side from the square that is not adjacent to the corner. These lines create the following red octagon:

enter image description here

The question is, what is the ratio between the area of the octagon and the area of the square. One is supposed to find the solution without a ruler.

By removing some lines, I find it easy to see that the ratio between the yellow area and the square is 1/4. But I am not sure if this helps.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I think the following image will say more than any text. You can divide the image into smaller squares that will allow you immediately to calculate the ratio.

The ratio of the red area within the whole square is the same as the red area in the big green square to the area of the whole green square. And this is (counting in units of the 9 small squares): $(1+1/4+1/4) : 9 = 1.5 : 9 = 1:6$.
